The debut album of spring’s 84 Higher Love is produced by the talent at Hap records. This is a track versatile album that has different flavors of songs. These songs are loved by almost all genres of music lovers. Spring 84 and her husband have built up a social enterprise and memoir to bring the couples together.
Her album
Her voice has set sensual tones with high defined voice quality. It is showcased in the album Higher Love. The album opens with the title track “Higher Love” and it is followed by another track “Body is So So So”. These songs are beautifully blended love songs which also creates a clubbing vibe for the party-goers. It has both dancing vibes. The lyrics, music of the song make it a perfect one. These easily stand out from the record.
8 tracks “Never Never”
Another of the 8 tracks “Never Never” is a little darker and mysterious. It brings up a hauntingly vocal approach to the table. The song costs more of a hypnotic spell on the listener. It maintains the same signature sound which was established since the first track. The diversity of the songs is quite apparent on this record. The overall vibe of each song remains consistent and it serves up a great listening experience for the audience. Spring 84 is also working on a few more projects related to love and embracing people all around the world.
Her beautiful creation
All the tracks are freshly woven into an album by Spring 84. It explores the different facets of music while maintaining a consistent theme. It is definitely a lovable record with many unique innovations. Anyone who is a fan of dancing numbers can easily tune into them. This album is already a hit among people and they love to listen to her songs.
Listen to music from any digital music platforms
You can get an amazing taste of artistry in her work. It is an essential melody album is one of its kinds and you will feel its charm and the beautiful music that she has created. Her powerful arrangement of the cords and the enticing rhythm with amazing vocals make it one of the best. You can listen to the songs of this album on Spotify, Apple Music, and several other digital music platforms. You can also get regular updates of Spring 84 on the Instagram page, the link is You can stay connected with her work and new releases.